In the era of AI technology and art
─Exploring Human Potentialー
Human history is a continuum of evolution and transformation, and today we find ourselves at the dawn
of a new era. As we welcome the year 2023, rapid technological advancements are unfolding around us,
significantly reshaping the realm of artistic expression. Here, we delve into the essence of art in the age
of AI technology, reexamining the significance of human existence and potential interwoven within it.
The arrival of what was once dubbed Singularity in 2045 may be accelerating faster than anticipated,
thanks to the swift progress of AI. In this era, a fundamental question arises: the potential for artificial
intelligence to render humans themselves as relics of the old media. Despite approximately 200,000
years since the emergence of Homo sapiens, within the dynamic history of Earth spanning 4.6 billion
years, the possibility of humans losing their superiority to a different species is not entirely implausible. It
is akin to the moment when the dice are rolled by a deity. In this exhilarating age, reconsidering human
potential through art holds profound significance.
Examining records from 20,000 years ago, preserved as cave paintings, art served as a means to
express the thoughts and societies of its time. From rituals, religion, politics, war, and power in ancient
times to symbols of capitalist economy in the modern era, and now evolving into forms like NFT art, art
has transformed into data. The history of art acts as a tool depicting the world, translating the energy of
human emotions and thoughts born in that era into paintings, music, architecture, literature, and various
mediums that breathe as artistic creations in our three-dimensional society, passed down as culture.
What, then, do we truly gain from such art?
In museums, we encounter magnificent works that captivate our hearts, shed tears over beautiful poetry
and musical melodies, and lose track of time while journeying through grand architectural spaces. The
works left by past masters carry immense power, instantly transporting viewers to another dimension
and guiding them into the world of the artwork in the blink of an eye. What is it that continues to
fascinate people across centuries, transcending language and race? It seems there is a universal truth or
beauty discovered by these masters, or perhaps new concepts and the future hidden within. People,
through art, connect with the inherent potential and dreams within themselves, experiencing a stirring of
the soul.
In recent years, research into human potential has advanced in various aspects alongside the
development of science and technology. Physical and mental potential, as well as the untapped
capacities hidden in the depths of the brain and the vast data stored in DNA's memory medium,
remainlargely unexplored. Focusing on sensory abilities, one wonders what percentage of this world we
perceive through our five senses. In the quantum realm, the nature of this world seems to be governed
by laws that surpass our sensory understanding, offering the art world a realm filled with great
uncertainty and potential.
My interest in the world of sensibility grew from experiences with art during my childhood. Children,
before the development of sociality, perceive the world with a sensitivity different from adults. Engaging
in creation, one often experiences a different perception of time and space. Children may easily enter a
state akin to today's flow state before the left brain fully develops, often finding that a piece of art is
created seemingly without awareness. Exploring the unconscious processes involved in our body and
brain through art, I became intrigued by the expansive world of sensibility. However, as individuals grow into
adults, this sensibility tends to diminish along with the development of sociality.
Humans, inherently social beings, have survived by possessing the power to believe in fiction. What is
this "fiction"? In contemporary society, it comprises grand narratives and concepts created by humans,
such as nations, religions, economic systems, and more. Through believing in and cooperating with
these common narratives, we have built advanced social systems. From ancient legends and myths to
the currency-based society and even the metaverse, we have the ability to believe in and create the
world. Yet, in this era where everything is gradually being replaced by AI and computers, we should not
be incorporated into and manipulated as part of this colossal system. Amidst the overflow of
information, there may be societal truths, but individual truths are elusive. It is essential to once again
clarify the true nature of individuals within ourselves and believe in the power to create. The source of
that energy may be the essence of human connections, hearts, and souls. To navigate life with the reins
of one's own will without being autonomously driven by societal systems and AI, a firm grasp on the
steering wheel of one's own intentions is necessary.
The progress of science and technology has exponentially expanded our physical and informational
spaces, providing us with the opportunity to reclaim our humanity. In the upcoming era, there is a
necessity to maximize the individual abilities each person possesses, which will be the true joy and truth.
In a sense, it might be considered a Renaissance. I hope that in the journey of humanity towards
Singularity, even in this new era, individuals can find their souls and radiate the light of life.
Each person's way of living and the power to create their own story is art, and that is the latent potential.
It enriches the world, maintains significance in an evolving society, and continues to exist."